Assist-Ant makes it easy to create and share templates with your team, helping you save time and increase productivity. Here's how you can create and share templates on Assist-Ant:


You need to remember only this keyboard shortcut:


This adaptive command has 3 states:

Creating Templates


To create a new template, simply Highlight the text and pictures you want to save and press ctrl + space (If needed, Select the save template option in the action box).

You will be prompted to give your template a name, hashtags and comments. Once you are done, you can save your template to a private or shared repository.

You can also quickly create a new repository If needed.

Sharing Templates

Sharing your templates is made incredibly easy and intuitive with Assist-Ant. When you save a template to a shared repository, it will be automatically shared with all users associated with that repository. This eliminates the need to manually share templates with individual team members, streamlining your workflow and making collaboration a breeze.


If you encounter any issues, please contact our support team at [email protected]

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