A global repository is a curated collection of templates published by the Assist-Ant team, which can be subscribed to by users. These templates are intended for reference or inspiration, and cannot be edited by subscribers.

To subscribe to a global repository, go to the "Global Repositories" section in the "Manage Repositories" window and click "Subscribe". You can then select the global repository you want to subscribe to.

Once subscribed, you can access the templates within the global repository and use them as a reference for your own templates. However, you cannot edit or modify the templates in any way.

It is important to note that only the Assist-Ant team can publish global repositories. This feature is not included in the pro version from Appsumo.

The icon on the left indicates the type of repository, and a globe icon will be displayed to indicate that the repository is a global repository.

If you encounter any issues, please contact our support team at [email protected]

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