Shared repositories are dedicated spaces for storing and organizing templates that are intended to be shared among specific users or groups. Unlike private repositories, shared repositories allow multiple users to collaborate on and access the same set of templates.

To create a shared repository, simply select a repository in the "Manage Repositories" window and click on "Invite Users" or "Invite Group". From there, you can invite specific users or groups to access the repository's contents.

When inviting a user, you can assign them one of three types of access:

  1. Read-Only: Users can only view the templates and cannot make any changes.
  2. Edit: Users can add, edit, or remove templates and comments.
  3. Admin: Users can add or remove other users from the repository.

After creating the shared repository, you can add templates to it and organize them using tags and categories. Any changes made to the templates within the repository will be visible to all users who have access to it.

You can identify shared repositories by the lock icon displayed on the left side of the repository name. Additionally, the repository icon itself will indicate that it is shared.

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